With all of the technology in daily life, direct mail might be looked upon by some businesses as outdated or old-fashioned. However, it shouldn’t be so quickly dismissed as a marketing technique, especially if the target audience is female. The majority of buying decisions are made by women. Businesses do well to tap this rich resource and the best way to do so is through direct mail.

1- More Personal

Direct mail can be customized to fit the interests, preferences, and needs of female customers. Using data gathered from browsing and online shopping history, you can send out a postcard on her birthday offering a special discount for the occasion. A handwritten note adds a personal touch to what might otherwise be an ordinary flyer. Even something as simple as addressing her by name can make the customer feel special and valued.

2- Emotions

Women tend to process more sensory and emotional information. Facts and statistics have less impact on them than men. Advertisements that draw an emotional response, especially through good storytelling, tend to have more success in getting a more favorable response. Storytelling can be a striking image or witty phrase that helps the customer connect with the brand and feel as though the product can improve her life somehow. When it’s done right, the customer will be aware of the product without it being so blatant and forced.

3- Tactile Appeal

Unlike digital ads, direct mail appeals to the sense of touch and sight. Through the use of textures, colors, and shapes, direct mail will more likely attract attention. Using the right kind of paper makes holding the advertisement in her hand a more memorable experience. Women tend to be the ones opening, reading, and sorting mail. They are the ones most likely to act on direct mail offers.

4- Trust and Reliability

Women are more likely to trust direct mail. Unlike digital ads, it can’t be hacked or deleted. People grow increasingly distrustful of online advertising. Since more effort goes into designing and sending direct mail, it feels more exclusive and sincere. Incorporating the tactile element, being able to touch direct mail makes it seem secure and trustworthy. Also, opening direct mail does not carry the risk of malware or computer viruses the way online ads sometimes do.

Direct mail can also appeal more to female customers in other ways. For instance, a mail piece that emphasizes how she can impact the earth by using your product or service will get her attention and resonate with her. Since women love to plan, focusing on something that fits in with their plans or makes it easier to achieve their goals. Another way to resonate with female customers through direct mail is to point out benefits. Let her know how your service or product will help her or make her life easier. Is she a multitasker? Acknowledge her ability to multitask, such as paying bills while sorting the mail. Offer ways to make things even easier for her. There are so many ways to reach this goldmine of advertising through direct mail. Since fewer businesses use this method, you can stand out from the crowd.